
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hurricane Irene "Looking Bad" for U.S.—Moon May Make It Worse

Hurricane Irene "Looking Bad" for U.S.—Moon May Make It Worse
this is from National Geographic..very interesting!!!!
to all my friends in the hurricane's path...may God keep you and your loved ones safe!! I will keep you all in my prayers!!!! Let us know if you are safe..we all care!!!!


Plush Possum Studio said...

Ann, it just strikes me here how others benefit by your posting, and you had a big-hearted way of treating others before which hasn't escaped me.
You are such a dear.
Good thoughts and prayers for the regions mentioned in that article!

Ann said...

why,thank you very much Rose!! such a sweet comment!! xoxo

Magic Love Crow said...

Hi Ann, It's suppose to be hitting our East coast too! I will be sending prayers out for everyone!

Ann said...

Stacy..I didn't know it was going to hit Canada's eastern coast!!! Prayers to everyone!!!!!!

Ellen said...

Thank you Ann, I think my area will get a lot of rain and flooding. Its not so much the hurricane that scares me, its the tornados that tend to acompany the hurricane.

Anonymous said...

This has affected so many areas and I hope everyone is safe. You are such a caring love, Ann.

Ann said...

Ellen..I hope you made it through safely!!!! my thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone who has had Irene touch their lives!!