
Friday, September 23, 2011

Robert Redford on Big Oil's Influence

Robert Redford on Big Oil's Influence..Mr Redford is a trustee of this group...NRDC...the group from which I have just previously shared the site for the petitions I have shared and asked you to view and sign! You can go directly to this site ,to learn more and help!! thanks!


Unknown said...

Ann you are always in the fore front! I should be more like you. Headed to the site to sign. Have a great day my sweet treasured friend:)

Ann said...

Becky, thanks honey!!! I love you too!!!! I'm glad you are going over!! I want to be sure the world I leave for the next generations has something left!! We can't wait till later to care... animals and the environment may be gone/damaged by then!! Can you imagine a world without the polar bear,birds,wolves,whales..or habitats which nourish and provide for their existence? THANKS FOR CARING!!! I NEW YOU WOULD!!!!!! XOXO

Magic Love Crow said...

I agree with everything Mr. Redford said! You know, I was in Alaska, in 2002 and they were showing us, were there is still some of the oil around. I couldn't believe it! I try so hard, like you Ann, to do my best, with mother earth and all of our wonderful animals. I just wish "big" business, would stop caring about the big buck first!

Ann said...'ve been to Alaska? how awesome!! I'v always wanted to go..Kodiak Island would top my list!! Hopefully,if enough people care..there will be Earth and animals left for future generations! happy weekend my friend!