
Monday, September 26, 2011

Bear Cubs Wrestle, Stop Traffic At Yosemite National Park (VIDEO)

Bear Cubs Wrestle, Stop Traffic At Yosemite National Park (VIDEO)
a "don't miss" video!!!!!!! enjoy!!


Unknown said...

What a great video..we have a black bear with 2 cubs in our neighborhood. Last year she visited us 4 x' far only the neighbors have seen her. I hope she comes back at least once before the snow falls..I so want to photograph her...this was great...

José Ramón said...

Great post that you have left us

good job. A warm greeting from ...
Abstract text and Reflection.

DVArtist said...

Hi Ann
I am home now. Had a great time and went by Yosemite!
Sorry the vaca is over. I will email you as soon as I get settled in.

Ann said...

Shirley,wouldn't you love to see her?!!!I've seen them at Yosemite..been MANY YEARS!!!!..OVER 40!! they are so magnificent!! xoxo

Ann said...

Jose Ramon..thanks for visiting!! I'm so glad you liked it! :) hugs!

Ann said...

Hi Nicole!!!!! glad you are back!! I'm sure you had a winderful time!! when you get settled email me and tell me all about your visit!!! xo

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Excellent job you have done Ann!!!

Magic Love Crow said...

Amazing!!! That one little cub was so little! I wanted to go play with them both! Thanks for putting a smile on my face Ann ;o) Hugs!

Ann said...

thanks Phivos!!!

Ann said...

Stacy..i thought this was just the cutest ever!! had to share! it was on our news last night too! xo