
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Between Naps on the Porch: Near Abductions: My Story

Between Naps on the Porch: Near Abductions: My Story
Susan share's a very personal story..and a reminder to all of us....please take the time to read this!!


Unknown said...

Hope you are well sweet friend thinking of you!

Ann said...

Becky..I'm doing great! Thanks honey!! how are you? really loved your pics on facebook!! :) xo

Magic Love Crow said...

Ann, this was a scary post! Wow! It almost happened to Susan twice! It's so horrible that these things happen!

Ann said...

isn't it!!! it was always my big fear with my kids..and now with my grandkids! Susan was so very lucky! She was a very smart little girl and remembered what she'd been told. i was glad she shared this story! A reminder to all of us!!