
Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hope it is spook-tacular!!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Titus at school....

One of the parents at my grandson's school sent me this picture of Titus..he has such a sense of humor!!! It doesn't show up well..but his lunchbox says IRONMAN at the bottom,by his forehead!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Creations.....

I hope you enjoy looking!!....and thanks so much for visiting!!! :) Ann

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Calling all pumpkin carvers..check out this blog

Between Naps on the Porch: Pumpkin Carving Tips and Templates
She has great templates for carving and directions ..I am not a carver..this made me think that maybe I actually could!! If you do carve pumpkins, you may want the templates she's posted!!
Have Fun!! Ann

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Grandchildren..........

took these with my cell phone..then had to email them to myself!! Still can't find the software that came with my I can't download from my camera! Sorry the quality isn't the best..but, OH WELL. Just felt like sharing!
First photo is Eddie..he's 2yrs 4 mos.(AND 34 POUNDS!!),second photo is Gracie..she's 5,third photo is Titus..he's 6(he's a skinny little thing..EXTREMELY PICKY EATER!!!).

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gosh..I'm Having Fun.......................

did some more creating !!! I really have been trying to make "me time"..I feel so good when I get a chance to work with images,paper,glue,inks...!!!!!!
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend !!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

New Paperdoll...............

not the best photo..had to use my phone camera...since I had to put in new harddrive..can't upload with my camera because I can't find the disk that came with it so cumputer recognizes it!!!
The dress is made from fan folded paper..has a 3-d "ish" effect. Used copper stickles glitter glue for buttons,which are hard to see!!! Oh least I found a way to share this! My computer won't "read" my I emailed the pic to myself with the phone and downloaded it to my computer..where there is a will,there's a way!