
Friday, April 23, 2010

Well, I spent the last couple of days making a baby quilt for my son's best friend and his wife..the baby shower is tomorrow,and, bless their hearts, they invited me! It came out so nice. I wrapped it so pretty.......DAMN... forgot to take a picture of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well..!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Our Wedding Photo....

OK..worked up the energy to scan parents are bottom left..Stephen's parents bottom to Stephen is my identical twin sister, Jan(Matron of Honor) and Stephen's maternal Grandfather(Best Man)..Stephen's sister,Sonya is to my left. Sadly, our parents, both of our sisters,his grandpa and 1 of Stephens groomsmen,Ray(next to Sonya on left side of photo) are all in Heaven now.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My how we've changed over 34 years!!

Stephen and I at my 15th high school reunion.....

me and Stephen with our youngest grandchild

at our friends house in Dec.2000 and finally pictures of Stephen and I while we were dating..1074 through early 1076!! (oops..little one that is sidewas on top left is my High School senior photo!). Lordy...we have sure changed ! (The motorcycle is a 1948 son is now the proud owner! )

Today is........

my 34th wedding anniversary!! Stephen, Happy are and always will be my one and only true love!! Never thought in sickness and in health would apply today!! Still too sick to celebrate..we'll have to do it another day.
The color in this picture has faded over the years, but our love for each other is as vibrant as the day this was taken.
Stephen, you are my husband,lover and best friend. You are my heart and soul!! I will love you forever.
When I feel better..I'll scan and post the wedding party photo..with our parents and sisters in it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

don't read if you are eating...still resting !!!

OMG.......this virus has to move!! Not only is it causing chest pain, has now caused a severe sinus infection and eye infection. I am an R.N...I've seen many things..but I am sorry,what has taken up residence in my body is just WRONG ! I have never been fond of the color green...yet,in many differnt hues, it is coming out of my lungs, nose,and eye! If I am not coughing it out,blowing it is now oozing from my poor,swollen eye. My glands are swollen...I feel downright ICKY!! My sweet huband has been doing hourly checks of my eye and fever....bless his heart..."in sickness and in health" !!!! homeopathic remedies welcomed !!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

just resting today....................

been having pain when I cough or try to take a deep breath or lie down....going on for a couple of days. Was bad last night,didn't sleep much,so had my husband take me to the emergency room...3 hours later,chest xrays and a pain killer...pleurisy! well,surprise me! My sweet husband has me settled nicely with everything I need to be as comfortable as possible. I'm not sure the pain is gone,but those little pills make me not care!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

6.9 earthquake in Southern California.....

yes..felt it GOOD...upstairs in my son's room watching a movie and doing on-line stuff......shook bad,swayed,everything on walls swayed back and forth...nothing fell down or off husband and daughter and littlest grandson were downstairs..didn't feel it but things were still swaying!!
Hope all of you in quake vicinity are OK!!

Enjoy your Easter Day !!

Friday, April 2, 2010

In advance..........


May this day bring you happiness and love as you celebrate Him with your family and friends.

Love, Ann