This morning,our beloved Otis began having labored breathing. We took him to our vet,only to find out that he was in severe heart failure.We had to love him enough to end his suffering..a very painful decision. Otis,and his brother Oswald are 12 years ols and have been our babies since they were about 8 weeks old. Otis was a typical runt..pushy,grumpy..you know the story! It was his world and we only existed in it for his pleasure! He was my baby and my heart is broken..he has brought me so much joy ,laughter and love.The nights I have spent awake in severe pain from my Thoracic Outlet Syndrome,he has been by my side,actually on my lap wanting tummy rubs! His brother, Oswald, is now laying forlornly by the door,with Otis's squeeky toy,waiting for his not to happen return.I,at least,understand..but Oswald does not. Otis was not a morning dog..had to be carried out to go to the bathroom,then came right back in,to slleep until noon! Yes, we spoil our dogs!!My husband won't even move a dog or cat to sit on the couch..he'll sit on the edge instead!
I know,with all the aweful things that are going on in this world,that this may sound silly,but all you animal lovers know what I'm talking about..a member of my family is gone..and it hurts.
I share this because I need to..thank you for letting me pour my heart out to you.